Skate Sarnia
Dedicated to the healthy development of children, youth and adults through participation in skating.
April 2023
Congratulations to this year's Most Improved Powerskater for 2022-2023 Season - Soen Green! Great work this year!

June 22, 2023
Carnival 2023 Video
Missing skating already? Want to relive the fun from this year? The Carnival 2023 video is now available for the price of $10. Email maureen.e.ogrady@gmail.com to express your interest. A link to the video will be sent once etransfer is received.

March 19, 2023
Annual General Meeting
Our annual general meeting will take place on April 19th. Please see the attached poster for information on how to participate.
Thank you for your continued support!

Feb. 28, 2023
Competition Results
Congratulations to our competitive skaters on on their amazing results at the Point Edward STAR 1-4 Series Competition this past weekend.

Rebekah Odolphy - STAR 1 Girls - Gold Status
Reese Soeder - STAR 2 Girls - Gold Status
Brooke Hardy - STAR 3 Girls - Silver Status
Lily Odolphy - STAR 3 Girls - Gold Status
Feb. 22, 2023
Exciting Opportunity: Skate with the Champions
In addition to skating in our Carnival, Kirsten Moore Towers, Michael Marinaro, Lia Pereira and Trennt Michaud will be presenting a Skate with the Champions event.
See the official poster for details!

Feb. 10, 2023 - Updated Feb. 28
We are so excited to celebrate our 75th anniversary with a carnival!
Come on out to celebrate the hard work of our Skate Sarnia skaters and to see some amazing guest skaters!
Check out the details on this year's poster.
Ticket are $20 each and are on sale now at the arena during group sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Sundays.
See you April 1st!

Jan. 19, 2023
Skate Sarnia Merchandise - Limited Time Only
We have been working very hard to set up an online store for skaters/parents to purchase Skate Sarnia Jackets, hoodies, etc. with our partner Team Outfitters. With our 75th anniversary coming up very soon, we have some merch for that also.
The storewebsite is now available online and will be open until Wednesday, February 15th. We need to get the orders in so that we have back for Carnival. Sizing charts are available on the website and are very true to measure. Please make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom for the 75th anniversary merchandise.
Next fall (before Christmas), the store will be reopened for Christmas shopping.
As this is our first time using this platform, all orders will be picked up by the Committee members in charge of creating the store and will be brought to the arena. All folks will be contacted when the merchandise is there for pick up.
Please click on the link below to start shopping!!!!

Dec. 18, 2022
Competition Results
Congratulations to our STAR skaters for their fantastic results at the Star 1 to 4 + Provincial Series Competition in St. Thomas!
Reese Soeder - STAR 2 Ladies (Group 8) - Bronze Status
Avery Robertson - STAR 6 Ladies (Group 4) - 4th
Sept. 13, 2022
Attention Skate Sarnia Families!
Registration for Pre-Canskate and Entry Level Canskate (Stage 1) is now FULL.
If your Skater is Stage 2 or higher, please contact Maureen O'Grady at maureen.e.ogrady@gmail.com for registration information and forms.
We look forward to welcoming you back, starting September 25th!
Please continue to keep an eye out for updated information and protocols, in your inbox.
August 3, 2022
Registration Now Open
Details for our 2022/2023 season are now available on our brochure. If you have questions or are interested in registering with Skate Sarnia for the 2022/2023 season, please email skatesarniaregistrar@gmail.com.
July 8, 2022
Most Improved Power Skater - Kylie Haynes
Congratulations to this year's most improved power skater: Kylie Haynes! We are so proud of the hard work and dedication you showed through the season. Keep up the great work!

May 24, 2022
In Remembrance of Pat Kelley
(1960 - 2022)
Pat was a member of Skate Sarnia, then known as Sarnia Figure Skating Club, for many years, beginning as a child and then returning years later to join our Adult Skating program. She skated precision (now known as synchronized skating) with the Exeter Skating Club and with the Silver Blades team, which was made up of skaters from Sarnia and surrounding areas.
Pat joined the Skate Sarnia's Board of Directors for the 2008/2009 season as Secretary, a role she fulfilled for 6 seasons, then was elected President for the 2014/15 and 2015/16 seasons, after which she remained on the Board as Past President for the next 6 seasons, until her passing. She was a valued and important member of the Board for 14 years in all.
Pat truly enjoyed teaching the children how to skate, from our youngest skaters in our KidSkate program, now known as PreCanSkate, through to the more advanced skaters enrolled in our StarSkate program, now known as Advanced CanSkate. She was also a valued assistant in our Power Skating program for many seasons, helping teach local budding hockey stars.
Pat was also involved in the wider skating community, having been certified as a skating Judge and therefore a valued volunteer for many competitions across Ontario, hosted by the former Western Ontario Section and more recently by Skate Ontario. She also gave freely of her time to many area skating clubs as an evaluator at club Test Days, where young skaters demonstrated the skills they had learned, hoping to advance to the next level of skating.
She was a woman of her word, always spoke the truth (even when you didn’t want to hear it) and was always thinking of the kids and putting them first.
Pat will be missed by her many friends throughout the skating community, both locally and across Ontario. Thank you Pat, for your many years as a volunteer and leader in skating.
For further details on Pat Kelley’s life and many contributions to the community, please visit: https://www.djrobb.on.ca/obituaries/patrice-kelley-1.
To make a memorial donation in honour of Pat, please contact skatesarniatreasurer@gmail.com.

March 31, 2022
UPDATE: Provincial Results
Congratulations to our Associate Members and Coach Laura on their amazing results at the Skate Ontario Provincial Championships. We are so proud of you!
1st - William Josling - STAR 5 Men Under 13
1st - Ethan Xiao - STAR 9 Men Over 14
17th - Teya Meredith - STAR 6 Women
March 21, 2022
Congratulations Provincial Qualifiers!
Congratulations to Associate Members, Ethan, Teya, Will, and Coach Laura, on qualifying for the Skate Ontario Provincial Championships, being held this week in Mississauga! GOOD LUCK from your Skate Sarnia Family!
March 16, 2022
Family Skate for Final Group Sessions
In lieu of a carnival, we are having Family Skate Celebrations on your regular group session on your last day of skating. Bring your family on the ice to show them what you have learned this year! These sessions will take place on Sunday, March 20th, Tuesday, March 22 and Wednesday, March 23rd. Please attend during your regularly scheduled time.
March 4, 2022
Annual General Meeting and Ice Cancellations
Our annual general meeting will take place on April 20th. Please see the attached poster for information on how to participate.
Also, please check your email for important information about ice cancellations over March Break and final skating sessions.
Thank you for your continued support!

March 4, 2022
Competition Results
Congratulations to our STAR skaters for their fantastic results at the Star 1 to 4 Competition in Point Edward!
Reese Soeder - STAR 1 Ladies - SILVER Status
Lily Odolphy - STAR 1 Ladies - GOLD Status
Brooke Hardy - STAR 2 Ladies - SILVER Status
December 21, 2021
Thank you for your generosity!
Thank you so much for your donations to our holiday food drive! Brooke and Nicole have delivered the donations to Myles Vanni from the Inn of the Good Shepherd. The Inn serves a great need in our community, serving approximately 1800 people per month (including 700 children).
See you all in January! Skating returns on January 3rd.
Happy Holidays, from the Skate Sarnia family!

December 5, 2021
Family Skate and Holiday Cancellations
There will be no skating from Monday, December 20th through Sunday, January 2nd. The final group sessions before this break will be family skates. If you would like to participate, please sign up using the Google Form that was sent to the email address we have on file. Registration is open until December 8th.
Happy Holidays, from the Skate Sarnia family!
September 14, 2021
Registration for Pre-Canskate and Entry Level Canskate (Stage 1) is now FULL.
If your Skater is Stage 2 or higher, please contact Maureen O'Grady at maureen.e.ogrady@gmail.com for registration information and forms.
September 10, 2021
2021/2022 Ice Schedule